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December 19, 2022
Ambiente Frankfurt
The Ambiente Trade Fair, which takes place in the city of Frankfurt every year, is the largest consumer goods fair that can be found anywhere in the world.
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Internationale Grüne Woche Berlin
The International Green Week Berlin (IGW) is already recognized as a formal event, which is the most prominent trade exhibition in the world for food, agriculture, and horticulture. Products such as fruit and vegetables, seafood, meat, and dairy are among those that may be purchased at Green Week Berlin.
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Boot Düsseldorf
The international boat show is held yearly in Düsseldorf. The spectrum of the exhibitors' brands offers an essential overview of the global market for yachting and water activities and sports.
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Nordstil Hamburg
The Nordstil Hamburg trade show features the newest innovations and trends in the consumer goods sector.
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