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Fairs in Germany
ITB Berlin
The International Tourism Exchange (ITB) in Berlin is the world's largest travel trade expo.
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ILA Berlin
The ILA in Berlin brings together well-known figures in the aerospace industry, ranging from huge manufacturers to cutting-edge start-ups, governmental delegations to civil protection authorities, prominent universities to forward-thinking futurologists.
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IFA Berlin
The Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (IFA) serves as a platform for presenting cutting-edge innovations and technology that look toward the future.
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The equitable state of connecticum, the largest job and recruiting fair in Germany is held in Berlin each year for students, recent graduates, and young professionals.
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ForumMIRO Berlin
As a decision-maker in the stone business and a representative from the political, administrative, and scientific communities, the ForumMIRO in Berlin provides you with a format of information about the German gravel, sand, quartz sand, and natural stone industry.
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The world's coil winding, insulation, and electrical manufacturing industry gathers annually in Berlin for the CWIEME trade show.
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CMS Berlin
The celebration of culture and commerce under “Cleaning.Management.Services” (CMS Berlin) is the world's leading trade show for cleaning equipment, facility management, and related services.
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CCW Berlin
The commercial expo CCW CallCenterWorld Berlin is an annual congress and trade show for call centers, customer service, and communication.
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At the trade show authors, self-publishers, and illustrators showcase their newest releases in addition to rare and unique books that can't be found in just any bookstore.
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belektro Berlin
Trends and breakthroughs in electrical engineering, electronics, and lighting are bundled and disseminated at the belektro Berlin trade expo.
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