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Hebammenkongress Berlin 2023

The Midwives Congress Berlin is a congress organized by the German Midwives Association. Various lectures, workshops, poster presentations, and video screenings provide information on the Berlin Midwives Congress for midwives and interested neighboring professions. The research workshop of the Midwives Congress Berlin presents qualification papers such as bachelor’s, master’s, diploma theses or dissertations, as well as results from other research projects to the professional public.

Adress of Hebammenkongress Berlin

  • Estrel Congress & Messe Center
  • Sonnenallee 225
  • 12057 Berlin

Place, Date and Opening Hours of Hebammenkongress Berlin 2023

  • Date: 15.05. – 17.05.2023
  • Day 1: 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Day 2: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Day 3: 9:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m

Trade Fair Offer & Topics of Hebammenkongress Berlin

  • Association of midwives, advanced training, further education, evaluation and quality assurance of midwife-led obstetrics, needs-based modification of midwifery training, participation in the academization of midwifery training, representation of midwifery interests in politics, business, trade unions, health insurance companies and other professional and professional organizations, representation of midwifery interests in the public sphere, participation in legislative changes relating to the topics of reproduction, women’s and family health and life with children, exchange and networking with other women-oriented associations and organizations, influencing political processes in women’s health issues,Maintenance of a legal office and a committee of experts to advise the members

Ticket Prices of Hebammenkongress Berlin

  • DHV member day ticket: EUR 150.00
  • DHV member day ticket reduced: EUR 97.50
  • Non-member day ticket: EUR 250.00
  • Non-member day ticket reduced: EUR 162.50
  • DHV member congress ticket: 335, 00 EUR
  • Reduced DHV member congress ticket: EUR 217.75
  • Non-member congress ticket: EUR 560.00
  • Reduced non-member congress ticket: EUR 364.00

Facts about the Hebammenkongress Berlin

  • Exhibitors: 3,000

Are you looking for hostesses at Hebammenkongress Berlin

The Glowstaff Hostess Agency offers an extensive card index of model, event and trade fair hostesses. We provide you with the right hostess staff with experience, flexibility and a great charisma for the Hebammenkongress Berlin 2023. We attach great importance to a solution-oriented approach and the satisfaction of our customers. If you are searching for hosts or hostesses for the Hebammenkongress Berlin, then contact us via our booking request form.

Are you looking for hostess jobs at Hebammenkongress Berlin

If you are looking for jobs at the Hebammenkongress Berlin, we are the right agency for you. The Glowstaff Hostess Agency arranges hostess jobs at the Hebammenkongress Berlin including a variety of tasks such as addressing customers, accreditation, model activities, service, coat check and promoter activities such as distributing gadgets and flyers. If you are interested in a hostess jobs at the Hebammenkongress Berlin and have these skills, then apply here via our our application form

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