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jobwunder Berlin 2023

The jobwunder Berlin fair is the career fair of the Technical University of Berlin. In a stimulating atmosphere, numerous exciting companies, scientific institutions, and start-ups present themselves as attractive employers at the jobwunder fair in Berlin. Qualified students and graduates can find concrete job offers and diverse career opportunities in science and business at the job fair, learn about the possibilities of starting their own business, discover valuable skills for the professional world, and gain varied insights into the world of work, as well as the opportunity for job interviews. The university career fair offers companies the chance to directly connect with future professionals where they are educated. In addition, an exciting supporting program with resume checks, individual coaching, company presentations, as well as expert talks and special advisory services provides many interesting and valuable information around career entry at the jobwunder Berlin career fair.

Adress of jobwunder Berlin

  • Technische Universität Berlin
  • Straße des 17. Juni 135
  • 10623 Berlin

Place, Date and Opening Hours of jobwunder Berlin 2023

  • Date: 20.06. – 22.06.2023
  • Daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m

Trade Fair Offer & Topics of jobwunder Berlin

  • Bachelor positions, master positions, internship positions, trainee positions, concrete job offers, diverse career opportunities in science and business, possibilities of starting a business, skills for everyday working life, application folder checks, individual coaching, company presentations, specialist lectures, special consulting offers

Ticket Prices of jobwunder Berlin

  • Admission free

Facts about the jobwunder Berlin

  • First Event: 2019
  • Exhibitor: 120
  • Visitor: 3,000
  • Exhibition Space: 500 sqm

Are you looking for hostesses at jobwunder Berlin

The Glowstaff Hostess Agency offers an extensive card index of model, event and trade fair hostesses. We provide you with the right hostess staff with experience, flexibility and a great charisma for the jobwunder Berlin 2023. We attach great importance to a solution-oriented approach and the satisfaction of our customers. If you are searching for hosts or hostesses for the jobwunder Berlin, then contact us via our booking request form.

Are you looking for hostess jobs at jobwunder Berlin

If you are looking for jobs at the jobwunder Berlin, we are the right agency for you. The Glowstaff Hostess Agency arranges hostess jobs at the jobwunder Berlin including a variety of tasks such as addressing customers, accreditation, model activities, service, coat check and promoter activities such as distributing gadgets and flyers. If you are interested in a hostess jobs at the jobwunder Berlin and have these skills, then apply here via our our application form

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