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Model Lexicon
Glowstaff Model Lexikon People Agentur
A people agency is an agency that specializes in the placement of models, actors, singers and other talented individuals for various projects in the entertainment industry.
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The catwalk is part of a stage, also known as a "runway" or "catwalk", on which models present clothes, shoes and other accessories.
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The location is the place where the shoot, video shoot or production takes place.
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Model Lexikon Verdeckter Teilakt
Covered partial nude, also known as "implied nude" or "covered nude", refers to images or videos that show a person who is partially or fully nude but conceals their private parts through pose, posture, clothing or other means.
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Glowstaff Model Lexikon Sperrtage
Blocking days are the days on which the model is not available. This means that if a model is booked for a job for several days but already has another job on the second day or is unable to work for another reason, this is a blackout day.
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Glowstaff Model Lexikon Make-up Artist / Hair und Make up
Hair and makeup are important aspects of a person's appearance and style in the modeling industry.Hair styling refers to the way a person's hair is coiffed, styled or colored to create a certain look....
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Model Lexikon Visa / Visagist
A make-up artist is a person who deals with the design and styling of the face. They usually work in the fashion and beauty industry and are responsible for the make-up and hair styling of models, actors or other people who are in the public eye.
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Glowstaff Model Lexikon Testshooting
A test shoot is a photo shoot that is used to try out new ideas or test the skills of a photographer or model.
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Model Lexikon Prêt-à-Porter Models Buchen Modelagentur
Prêt-à-porter means “ready to wear” in English. It refers to clothing that is produced in standard sizes and is intended to be worn without significant adjustments.
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Glowstaff Model Lexikon OOTN
The abbreviation “OOTN” stands for “Outfit of the Night”. This term is often used on social media to describe the outfit someone wears for a special occasion or a night out.
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