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Freizeit Messe Nuremberg 2025

Freizeit Messe Nuremberg is an event that takes place every year in autumn and is aimed at all leisure activists. At the fair, the latest trends and offers in the areas of sports, outdoor, travel and adventure are presented. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about the various offers and activities and purchase sports equipment and travel catalogs directly on site. A highlight of the fair are the numerous demonstrations and workshops, where visitors can try out and improve their own skills. The Nuremberg Leisure Fair is therefore not only interesting for leisure activists, but also provides an ideal platform for companies from the leisure sector to present themselves and acquire new customers. An event that should definitely not be missed.

Adress of Freizeit Messe Nuremberg

  • NurembergMesse
  • Messezentrum
  • 90471 Nuremberg

Place, Date and Opening Hours of Freizeit Messe Nuremberg 2025

  • Date: March 12. – 16. 2025
  • Will be published on our site at a later date

Trade Fair Offer & Topics of Freizeit Messe Nuremberg

  • Tourism, tourism, travel market with vacation tips, offers, promotions, specialties, caravanning, motorhomes, caravans, camping, camping equipment, camping accessories, camping destinations, outdoor, sports, fitness, active leisure, water sports, canoeing, boats, mountain sports, climbing, hiking, running, fitness, cycling, soccer, garden, garden landscapes worth seeing, garden products, garden articles, garden technology, flowers, plants, living, furnishing, home technology, whisky, rum, BBQ, grills, grill accessories, tips and tricks from grill professionals at the show grill, life in old age, keeping healthy, active leisure activities, self-determined life, food, enjoyment, textiles, cosmetics, living, life, travel, mobility, finance, insurance.

Ticket Prices of Freizeit Messe Nuremberg

  • Will be published on our site at a later date

Facts about the Freizeit Messe Nuremberg

  • First Event: 1966
  • Exhibitor: 900
  • Visitors: 104,900
  • Exhibition Space: 70,000 sqm
  • Exhibition Halls: 8

Are you looking for hostesses at Freizeit Messe Nuremberg

The Glowstaff Hostess Agency offers an extensive card index of model, event and trade fair hostesses. We provide you with the right hostess staff with experience, flexibility and a great charisma for the Freizeit Messe Nuremberg 2025. We attach great importance to a solution-oriented approach and the satisfaction of our customers. If you are searching for hosts or hostesses for the Freizeit Messe Nuremberg, then contact us via our booking request form.

Are you looking for hostess jobs at Freizeit Messe Nuremberg

If you are looking for jobs at the Freizeit Messe Nuremberg, we are the right agency for you. The Glowstaff Hostess Agency arranges hostess jobs at the Freizeit Messe Nuremberg including a variety of tasks such as addressing customers, accreditation, model activities, service, coat check and promoter activities such as distributing gadgets and flyers. If you are interested in a hostess jobs at the Freizeit Messe Nuremberg and have these skills, then apply here via our our application form

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